19 novembre 2008

We think like exploding stars

grazie al blog di paul foreman
ho letto una bella intervista a tony buzan
che racconta come, quando e perchè
ha ideato il metodo delle mappe mentali

in particolare mi ha colpito l'utilizzo diffuso
che alcuni paesi fanno di questo metodo

In education, the star example is Singapore where the ministry of education communicates to 28,000 teachers through Mind Maps. Over 5000 teachers there are trained in Mind Maps to help them teach better. Bahrain has sponsored the World Memory Championship to help children learn how to remember through Mind Maps. In Mexico the Ministry of Health teaches everybody Mind Mapping. And the biggest university, Tec D’Monterey has instituted a programme where 130,000 students in 33 campuses around Latin America will be taught how to Mind Map and will be given extra training in the application of it.

(...) What else would you like to share about Mind Maps?

What I would like is that everyone should find out about it, learn about it and apply it. I would like more and more people to join the growing family of global Mind Mappers. I want every parent to make sure that their child has Mind Map software. I want every parent and every teacher to make sure that children know about their brain. I want millions of people to learn how to teach this. The biggest problem in the world at the moment in terms of human existence is starvation. Two billion people are starving. The starvation of thinking is the main cause for physical starvation. So, if everyone is taught how to think, physical starvation would not exist. So, teaching people thinking skills, helping them develop their intelligence is for me the prime way of preventing global physical starvation. I want people to join the family to stop mental starvation. I want the world to be filled with warriors of the mind.

considerato che questo è il mio diario
a questo post allego una foto
scattata nel maggio 2005
quando sono andata a milano
per ascoltare tony buzan

una giornata proprio da ricordare !


2 commenti:

laba.edu ha detto...

Sarebbe interessante capire e ipotizzare come la tecnologia touch and screen può modificare alcune di queste teorie...

roberta buzzacchino ha detto...

certo, sarebbe interessante approfondire... qualche idea in proposito ?